
Jan Eliasen - Free Mail Address

It is possible to get a free email adress at

I do not, however, want to be bound in any way by having offered people free email addresses. Therefore, I have chosen to write the rules and general guidelines below.

These rules and guidelines apply to all who have a free email address at

To get a free email address, you must send an email to In this email you must write that you have read the rules and that you are going to follow them. Please also write which email address you would like.


  1. Your lastname must be Eliasen.
  2. I, the owner of, can change these rules at any time.
  3. If changes in these rules occur, I will send an email to all the free email addresses I have given people, and everyone MUST answer my email, stating that they have read these new rules and that they will follow them. If someone does not answer, the email address will be terminated.
  4. If I at some point find out that I need an email address I have given to someone for myself, then I can at any time terminate the email address. Unless it is an emergency (which I define myself), I will give 6 months warning before the termination, such that it should be possible to warn everyone about the new email address.
  5. I reserve the right to not give out a specific email address if I believe I shall use it myself in the future. This is also the reason that the previous rule will probably never be relevant.
  6. I reserve the right to not give out a specific email address if I choose that the email address is profane or otherwise a "dirty" name.


  1. I will announce changes to these rules as early as possible.
  2. Like all other providers of email addresses, I have the possibility to read any mails that pass through my system. I will, of course, not be taking advantage of this.
  3. The email adress I can give you is a so-called mail alias.This means that you need another email address to be able to use this service. I will setup my system to forward any mails to your chosen email address to you own email address. You can use your email address as a from-address in all your mails, and when people reply to it, I will just forward the mail to your other address.
  4. The reason for not giving POP3-accounts away is, that my webhotel-provider has a limit on the amount of disc-space I can use. Besides this, my webhotel-provider does not offer me an opportunity to check the space used on individual accounts.
  5. This service is free because I believe that everyone should have access to an email address that corresponds to their name. Should you want to show your appreciation, feel free to order something from my Amazon Wishlist.


Send me an mail

About Me

Yeah, it´s me! Jan Eliasen
Age: 48
Divorced and has two boys


Phone +45 61334242
Birthdate 27/5-1976
Address Gammel Havn 7,
9000 Aalborg



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