
Jan Eliasen - Links


  • Jan Eliasen
    Personal homepage of Jan Eliasen (This homepage :-) )
  • My sons
    The homepage of my two sons, Andreas and Emil. The homepage is in Danish and contains a lot of pictures and video clips.
  • My Blog
    My blog, where I blog about BizTalk and other technical issues I run into as well as personal posts.
  • My BizTalk site
    This homepage contains a collection of BizTalk artefacts that I have gathered during my years of BizTalk usage.
  • My job
    This is the homepage of Logia Denmark, where I am employed.


Social networks and groups

  • Facebook
    Excellent social network, where you can keep in touch with your friends.
  • Linkedin
    Excellent professional network, where you can keep in touch wth professional contacts.
    Aalborg .NET User Group




Computer Games

  • Diablo II
    Duablo II is a cool game, where you run around slaughtering monsters. Heard that before?
  • Diablo III
    Duablo III is a cool game, where you run around slaughtering monsters. Heard that before?
  • C64
    Over 2000 games for C64

Search Engines

  • Google
    The most used search engine in the world.
  • Danish Yellow Pages
    Names, addresses, maps and routes - in Denmark and in Danish.


  • DSB
    Webpage for the Danish Railways
  • Rejseplanen
    Danish homepage for planing a travel between two destinations

Web Design and programming

  • HTML Validator
    HTML Validator that does recursive checks to validate entire site.
  • OSWD
    Open Source Web Design - Lots of brillilant web designs free to use.
  • HTML 4.01
    HTML 4.01 Specification
  • XHTML 1.0
    XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)
  • CSS 2
    Cascading Style Sheets, level 2


  • GPL
    GNU General Public License


  • Britannica
    Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Cocktailguide
    Danish cocktail guide
  • CPR
    Portal, where Danish citizens can find out what information is registered about them, and which companies that are subscribing to changes in these informations.
  • DMI
    Danish weather forecasting
  • EDBPriser
    Danish homepage to find the cheapest places to buy hard- and software.
  • Eurosport Live
    Swedish Eurosport homepage, where you can oten find Snooker on a live feed.
  • Factbook
    The facts of the world, by the CIA
    The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
  • Lots of sayings and quotes
    A Danish guy has collected a rather large collection of sayings and quotes. Most in Danish.
    This online shop in Denmark has lots of great equipment for billard, pool and snooker players. Go check it out!

About Me

Yeah, it´s me! Jan Eliasen
Age: 48
Divorced and has two boys


Phone +45 61334242
Birthdate 27/5-1976
Address Gammel Havn 7,
9000 Aalborg



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